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Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project - NSRAP

NSRAP Gala 2015

NSRAP-Logo-PinkTrianglePink Triangle Day

Join us for the 11th NSRAP Gala, featuring dinner, dancing, and much, much more, on Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 at the Marriott Halifax Harbourfront Hotel’s newly designed Sable Ballroom.

For almost two decades, NSRAP has been the leading advocate for LGBTQ Nova Scotians. The Gala remains our primary fundraiser, allowing us to maintain a high level of activity with positive outcomes for our community. Working with our community partners, over the last year we have:

  • Successfully advocated for, and advised the Department of Health and Wellness on, the implementation of funding for gender confirming surgeries.
  • Made progress highlighting and addressing issues around continuing care for LGBTQ seniors.
  • Participated in the development of the Department of Education’s Guidelines for Supporting Transgender and Gender-nonconforming Students.
  • Advised on changing the Vital Statistics Act to eliminate barriers to changing gender markers.
  • Promoted LGBTQ history and discussion between LGBTQ Elders and youth.

Our theme this year is built around Pink Triangle Day, a uniquely Canadian LGBTQ celebration with strong Nova Scotian roots.

Your support is essential in allowing NSRAP to continue our important work! We hope that our Gala Celebration of Pink Triangle Day will be a fun and significant milestone for your organization as well.


A table at the Gala provides an exceptional opportunity to demonstrate support for our work and highlight your commitment to diversity within your organization. Organizations purchasing tables will be recognized at the event, which will promote your organization to an exclusive and diverse patronage of Halifax professionals. We hope you can join us for this fun and illuminating evening.

Tickets are $125/person ($1,000/table of 10). We also welcome donations and ticket sponsors; be it a fabulous prize for our silent auction or a donation to allow a member of our community to attend.